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Our Pricing

Regarding our fees which are very competitive and transparent, kindly refer to the following:

Our Secretarial Fees

Termination Fee on Company Secretary


Upfront Payment on Secretarial Fee


Compulsory Sign-up Secretary Package


Monthly Retainer Fee

RM 80

Lodgement of Annual Return

RM 100

Lodgement of Financial Statements

RM 100

Resolution for Tenancy Agreement, Etc

RM 100

Change of Director

RM 120

Change of Business/Branch Address

RM 60

Change of Nature Business

RM 60

Resolution for Open Bank Accounts

i) Open First Bank Account During Incorporation FOC
ii) Open Each Subsequent Bank Account RM 100

Resolution for Additional E-Banking

i) Application for First E-banking During Incorporation FOC
ii) Application Each Additional E-banking RM 100

Resolution for Closure of Bank Accounts

RM 100

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

RM 180

Increase in Paid Up Capital

RM 400

Transfer of Shares

RM 190

Adoption of Constitution

RM 300

Amendment of Constitution

RM 450

Change of Auditors

RM 180

Change of Tax Agent

RM 180

Declaration of Dividend

i) Preparation of Directors’ Resolution RM 180
ii) Preparation of Dividend Vouchers RM 25
per member

Change of Company's Name

RM 350

Replacement or Splitting of Share Certificates

RM 120

Resolution for Purchase or Disposal of Fixed Assets

RM 120

Resolution for Acquisition or Disposal of Shares in Other Company

RM 120

Name Search

RM 90

Preparation of Documents for Certificate of Incorporation

RM 60

SSM Company Search and Print Out

RM 60

Preparation of Documents for Certification by SSM

RM 60

Certification of Forms by Company Secretary

RM 3

per set

Certification of Constitution by Company Secretary

RM 6

per set

Confirmation Letter by Company Secretary

RM 100

Resolution for Change Bank Signatories, E-Banking, Etc

RM 100

Resolution for LHDN Tax Refund

RM 100

Preparation of Exempt Private Certificate

RM 250

Application of Extension of Time for Financial Statements

RM 250

Preparation of Certificate of Unaudited Financial Statements Exemption

RM 100

Preparation of Declaration of Beneficial Ownership

RM 50

per member

Our Audit Fee

Our audit fee is normally based on the Minimum Audit Fee Guidelines as set by our Malaysian Institute of Accountants (please click here for computation of minimum audit fee: Minimum Audit Fee Guidelines w.e.f. 1.3.2010)

For instance, if your Company’s yearly turnover or gross assets (whichever is higher) is RM250,000, by following the Guidelines, our audit fee per year would be RM1,700; if your Company’s yearly turnover or gross assets (whichever is higher) is RM500,000, our audit fee per year would be RM2,500

Our Tax Computation Fee

Our tax computation fee, for small-medium Corporate tax Form C filing, our tax computation fee per year ranging from RM700 to RM1,800 depends on the complexity of the tax computation

Our Bookkeeping Fee

Our bookkeeping fee, we normally look at your volume of transactions, such as no of transactions in a financial year, etc. However, our bookkeeping fee definitely is very competitive and reasonable. Bookkeeping fee for small-medium companies range from RM40 to RM400 per month (for Yearly bookkeeping)

Note: The above fees exclude disbursements and out of pocket expenses like government tax, printing and stationery, travelling, telephone charges, postage, courier, filing fee, stamping fee, computer usage, etc.
We reserve the right to change above fees at any time without notice.

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